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Static IP address for Octopus NET via OctopusCast or Telnet


A static IP address can be set up for Octopus NET via the Octopus Cast Tool. This is also possible via Telnet.


Via OctopusCast Tool:

  1. Download and install Octopus Cast Tool: https://www.digital-devices.eu/shop/de/tools 
  2. Navigate to Options -> Configure static IP address for Octopus NET
  3. Enter the new Static IP Address | Gateway | Netmask -- in the Dialog
  4. Click on Button "Set Static IP"
  5. Follow further instructions from the software

Via Telnet:

  1. Go to Web Interface of the Octopus NET -> System Settings - Check the option "Enable Telnet"
  2. Use Putty (or anything else) and login to Octopus NET -> User: root
  3. Open the file resolv.conf in VI Editor with:
    vi /config/static.ip
  4. In VI Editor press the Key "a" on your keyboard to switch to edit mode
  5. Following content you must write in these file: (Sample Values):
  6. Leave the edit mode in VI with ESC
  7. Close and save the VI Editor, by entering
  8. reboot the Octopus NET


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Artikel-ID: 154
Kategorie: Octopus Net SAT>IP Netzwerktuner
Datum (erstellt): 19-11-2015 13:46:08
Aufrufe: 2857
Bewertung (Stimmen): Artikelbewertung 3.9/5.0 (32)

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