Current drivers are available for download here:
For the installation of our drivers further Linux knowledge are required.
Also there is a script for a fast dddvb drivers build (tested on Ubuntu20.04-22.04)
We use for this guide an Ubuntu/Debian, OpenSUSE or Fedora Linux, but this should work similar in other distributions.
The following components must be installed:
sudo apt-get install mercurial git build-essential libproc-processtable-perl linux-headers-$(uname –r)
sudo zypper install -t pattern devel_basis
sudo zypper install mercurial perl-Proc-ProcessTable kernel-devel kernel-source
sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools" "Development Libraries"
sudo yum install mercurial perl-Proc-ProcessTable kernel-devel kernel-headers
The process takes typically depending on the PC between 15 and 30 minutes.
Run in a console / terminal the following commands:
cd /usr/src
sudo wget
sudo tar -xf 0.9.38.tar.gz
sudo git clone dddvb
Build drivers:
cd dddvb*
sudo make
Install modules:
sudo make install
Set order for loading modules:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/depmod.d
echo 'search extra updates built-in' | sudo tee /etc/depmod.d/extra.conf
The system announce the new modules and their dependencies:
sudo depmod -a
For Max S8/SX8/SX8 Basic create ddbridge.conf file:
echo 'options ddbridge fmode=x' | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/ddbridge.conf
replacing x with the number of the mode used(see below)
Load Drivers:
sudo modprobe ddbridge
At the end you should restart the system once again.
Note: Did you have I²C-Timeouts, please disable MSI for ddbridge:
echo 'options ddbridge msi=0' | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/ddbridge.conf
If the file /etc/modprobe.d/ddbridge.conf already exists (see point 6), then add to the first line "msi=0", eg.:
options ddbridge fmode=x msi=0
Modes for Max S8/SX8/SX8 Basic:
4 tuner mode ( Internal multiswitch disabled )
Quad LNB / normal outputs of multiswitches
Quattro - LNB / cascade outputs of multiswitches
Unicable LNB or JESS / Unicabel output of the multiswitch
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